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Pope County 9-1-1 Josh Freeman Phone: (479) 968-1800 Fax: (479) 967-2231
Pope County Office of Emergency Management Justin Drittler Phone: (479) 968-1800 Fax: (479) 967-2231
Adult Probation Elizabeth Carter Phone: (479) 968-5154 Fax: (479) 890-6854
Arkansas State Revenue (Dept. of Finance) Krishelle Teague Phone: (479) 968-1526 Fax: (479) 968-8097
County Extension Agent

Brandon Yarbery

Phone: (479) 968-7098 Fax: (479) 964-0928
Human Resources Terrie Duvall Phone: (479) 968-2194 Fax: (479) 967-1767
County Road Department Sidney Gray Phone: (479) 968-6400 Fax: (479) 968-6405
Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Genny Baker Phone: (479) 880-1195 Fax: (479) 880-0163
Emergency Medical Services Dale Saffold Phone: (479) 968-8222 Fax: (479) 968-1652
Health Department Jaynie Jones Phone: (479) 968-6004 Fax: (479) 964-0928
Juvenile Probation Amber Bryant Phone: (479) 967-1520 Fax: (479) 858-7025
Library Riley Taurone Phone: (479) 968-4368 Fax: (479) 968-3222
Public Defender Sam Eastman Phone: (479) 967-1767 Fax: 
Senior Activity Center Sherry Tidwell Phone: (479) 968-5039 Fax: (479) 890-4771
Sheriff's Office Shane Jones Phone: (479) 968-2558 Fax: (479) 968-6145
Detention Center Rowdy Sweet Phone: (479) 968-5599 Fax: (479) 968-7434
Veteran Services Ken Harper Phone: (479) 968-6049 Fax: (479) 968-6049
Circuit Clerk Rachel Oertling Phone: (479) 968-7499 Fax: (479) 880-8463
Circuit Judge Judge Dunham Phone: (479) 968-1073 Fax: (479) 968-2506
Circuit Judge Judge McCain Phone: (479)968-2280 Fax: (479)968-6091
Circuit Judge Judge Coker Phone: (479)968-3869 Fax: (479)880-1810
Circuit Judge Judge Patterson Phone: (479)754-0266 Fax: (479)754-0308
County Clerk Pam Ennis Phone: (479) 968-6064 Fax: (479) 967-2291
County Judge Ben Cross Phone: (479) 968-7487 Fax: (479) 967-6874
Treasurer Larry Holman Phone: (479) 968-2194 Fax: (479) 968-1767
Assessor Dana Baker Phone: (479) 968-7418 Fax: (479) 968-4571
Tax Collector Jennifer Haley Phone: (479) 968-7016 Fax: (479) 890-5205
Coroner Matthew Scott Phone: (479) 970-5999 Fax: (479) 968-6145

In Case of Emergency Call 9-1-1