Assessor FAQs
Q: If I assessed last year in Pope County do I have to come into the Assessor's Office in person to assess my Personal Property?
A: No, you may assess your Personal Property by phone at 479-968-7418 or on-line at this website.
Q: If I am new to Pope County do I have to come into the Assessor's Office in person to assess my Personal Property?
A: Yes, you need to come by the Assessor's Office on the second floor in the Pope County Courthouse located at 100 West Main Street in Russellville to establish your first assessment in Pope County.
Q: Can Business Personal Property be assessed by phone?
A: No, you must fill out the Commercial Personal Property Assessment form each year.
Q: What information do I need to assess my vehicles?
A: year, make, model, trim package, vehicle identification number, price paid for vehicle and date of purchase
Q: Why does my certificate of renewal for my vehicle show that I have not assessed or paid taxes?
A: You have either not assessed for the current year, or you have assessed but your certificate of renewal was printed before you assessed, or your vehicle identification number is not in the system correctly. Please contact the Assessor's Office to determine what needs to be done.
Q: If I add a room onto my house and I do the work myself, will I only be assessed on my cost?
A: No, new construction or any assessment is based on market value of the property.
Q: If I buy a house, will I be assessed on the price I paid?
A: No, real property is valued at its current market value based on a group of comparable sales, not just one sale. In a majority of cases, the sales price is comparable to market value, but not always.